- Computer Times


Sunday, 17 January 2021

 120 Hours computer course certificate:

As we know that Computer is the most important part of our daily routine life. Digital Jalandhar is an ISO 9001: 2015 certified institute and provides the best quality education. Digital Jalandhar is going to start a new batch on 18-Jan-2021 @ 7.00PM.
120 hours Computer Course is required for some Govt. job so we are going to start a new batch and the exam pattern and syllabus are given in this article.  Read About Wireless Technology

120 Hours Computer Course Syllabus :

Introduction to Computer : History of Computers, Computer Hardware & Software Operation System.

Basic DOS command: Basic Overview of MS- DOS Commands

Win7/Win8/Win10: Basic Overview of MS Windows

120 hours computer course syllabus Video

MS Word – 2013 : File new, open, save, save as, page setup, print preview, print, exit, edit, cut, copy, paste, delete, find & replace, format, paragraph, font, tabs, change case & practical hindi typing bullets & numbering, inserting file and pictures, tables, mail merge & practical

MS Excel – 2013 : Overview, workbook, worksheet, cell, entering data, renaming etc. formula calculation, simple formula, complex formula & practical, inserting pictures, making graphs, goal seek, data sorting, filter & practical.

MS Power Point – 2013: Basic Operations, making slide, new slide, transition effects, formatting slide, clip art, word art, slide sorter view, slide show, custom animation etc.

Online Data Management: Goggle Sheet create, share, Maintain Records , working with multiple file, Access and lock File etc.

Typing : English

Internet : Google, Surfing, Browsing, working with E-mail.

Digital Jalandhar Lohiya sir Blog

Digital Jalandhar Provide Certificate course. Digital Jalandhar is an ISO Certified Institute. We provide online coaching for computer courses.


  1. https://digitaljalandhar.in/120-hours-computer-course/

  2. https://digitaljalandhar.in/120-hours-computer-course/
